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Kat: [Alkitab][Kamus].

Al Kawl al Atik - IV
1758 (?) | Alkitab
1821 | Alkitab
No Tahun - Judul
41 1758 (?) - Al Kawl al Atik - IV
42 1780 - Elkitab ija itu segala surat Perdjanjdjian Lama dan baharuw
43 1796 - Maleische Woord-boek-sameling
44 1798 - Grammar Rules for the attainment of the Malayo Language
45 1800 - A Grammar of the Malay Tongue
46 1801 - A Dictionary of the Malay Tongue, as spokern in the Peninsula of Malaca The Island of Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Pulo Pinang & etc - 1
47 1808 - De Profetieen van Ezechiel en Daniel in het Makassaarsch
48 1810 - Comparative Vocabulary of the Barma, Malayu and Thai
49 1812 - Dictionary of the Malayan Language in Two Parts, Malayan and English, English and Malayan
50 1812 - Grammar of the Malayan Language ith an Introduction and Prasxis
51 1812 - A Dictionary of the Malayan Language to which is prefixed a Grammar with an Introduction and Praxis
52 1812 - A Grammar and Dictionary of the Malay Language with A Preliminary Dissertation Vol I
53 1814 - Biblia, id est Vetus et Novum Testamentum Malaice.
54 1817 - Elkitab, ija itu Segala Surat Perdjandjian Lama dan Baharuw
55 1817 - Injil al kudus Isa al Masih
56 1818 - Elkhawlu-Ldjadid ija itu Segala Surat Perdjandjian Baharuw
57 1818 - Segala surat Perdjandjian Baharuw
58 1818 - Segala surat Perdjandjian Baharuw
59 1820 - Novum Testamentum Malaice
60 1820 - Novum Testamentum Malaice
61 1820 - A Vocabulary of the English and Malay Languages, Containing Upwards of 2000 Words
62 1820 - Novum Testamentum Malaice
63 1820 - Novum Testamentum Malaice
64 1820 - Novum Testamentum Malaice
65 1820 - Novum Testamentum Malaice
66 1821 - Elkitab
67 1821 - Elkitab ija itu segala surat Perdjanjdjian Lama dan Baharuw
68 1822 - Surat Segala Mazmur
69 1822 - Surat Segala Mazmur Tersiar
70 1822 - Surat Segala Mazmur Tersiar
71 1822 - Surat Segala Mazmur Tersiar
72 1823 - Indjilu-'Lkhudus Isaj 'Elmesehh
73 1823 - Indjilu-'Lkhudus Isaj 'Elmesehh
74 1823 - Maleische Spraakkunst
75 1823 - An Attempt to Elucidate the Priciples of Malayan Orthography
76 1823 - Indjilu - lkhudus Isaj 'Elmeseh ija itu segala surat Perdjandjian Baharuw
77 1823 - Indjilu - lkhudus Isaj 'Elmeseh ija itu segala surat Perdjandjian Baharuw
78 1823 - Indjilu-lkhudus Xijaj 'Elmesehh
79 1824 - Biblia, Id est Vetus et Novum Testamentum Malaice.
80 1824 - Vetus Testamentum Malaice