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1826 | Alkitab
No Tahun - Judul
81 1823 - Maleische Spraakkunst
82 1823 - An Attempt to Elucidate the Priciples of Malayan Orthography
83 1823 - Indjilu - lkhudus Isaj 'Elmeseh ija itu segala surat Perdjandjian Baharuw
84 1823 - Indjilu - lkhudus Isaj 'Elmeseh ija itu segala surat Perdjandjian Baharuw
85 1823 - Indjilu-lkhudus Xijaj 'Elmesehh
86 1824 - Biblia, Id est Vetus et Novum Testamentum Malaice.
87 1824 - Vetus Testamentum Malaice
88 1824 - Vetus Testamentum Malaice
89 1824 - Biblia id est Vetus et Novum Testamentum Malaice
90 1824 - Biblia id est Vetus Testamentum Malaice
91 1824 - Biblia id est Vetus Testamentum Malaice
92 1824 - Biblia, id est Vetus et Novum Testamentum Malaice
93 1825 - Dictionnaire Fancais et Malais
94 1826 - Elkhawlu-ldjadid
95 1826 - Elkhawlu-'Lxatikh (I)
96 1826 - Elkhawlu-'Lxatikh (II)
97 1826 - Elkhawlu-'Lxatikh (I-II)
98 1826 - Elkhawlu-'Lxatikh (I-II)
99 1826 - Elkhawlu-'Lxatikh (I-II)
100 1826 - Elkhawlu-'Lxatikh (I-II)
101 1847, 1826 - Kitab Pada Menjatakan Roepa Boemi
102 1826 - Surat Segala Mazmur Tersiar
103 1827 - A Catalogie of Books and Manuscripts
104 1827 - The History of Java White a map and Plates. Vol II
105 1828 - Kitab Njanjian Jang sudah detembahi dengan Barang Mazmur dan Tahlil indjil
106 1828 - Kitab Njanjian, jang sudah detambah dengan Barang Mazmur dan Tahlil Indjil
107 1830 - The History of Java. Vol II, Second Edition
108 1830 - The History of Java. Vol I, Second Edition
109 1830 - Proeve eener Javaansche Sprakkunst
110 1833 - A Vocaulary of the English, Bugism and Malay Languagers
111 1833 - A Vocabulary of the Engllish, Bugis, and Malay Languages, Containing About 2000 Words
112 1833 - Literatur: The Christian Library Comprising A Series of Standard Works en Religious Literature Vol. 1
113 1834 - Literatur: The Christian Library Comprising A Series of Standard Works en Religious Literature Vol. 2
114 1834 - Miscellaneous of William Marsden
115 1835 - Literatur: The Christian Library Comprising A Series of Standard Works en Religious Literature Vol. 3
116 1835 - Literatur: The Christian Library Comprising A Series of Standard Works en Religious Literature Vol. 4
117 1835 - Literatur: The Christian Library A Reprint of Popular Religious Work Vol. 5
118 1835 - Segala Soerat Perdjandjian Baharoe
119 1836 - Vocabulaire Francais-Malais
120 1836 - Literatur: The Christian Library A Reprint of Popular Religious Work Vol. 6