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Kat: [Kamus][Pengajaran][Alkitab].

Wasijat Jang Lama
1914 | Alkitab
Het Oude Testament
1936 | Alkitab
No Tahun - Judul
561 1914 - Wasijat Jang Lama
562 1915 - Honderd Verhalen uit de Bijblesche Geschiedenis ih het Soembaneesch
563 1915 - Indjili i tetebini ma rasul Mateusu a lefo'ka / i si guti ma ngale Lolodakamoma demo.
564 1915 - Indjili I Tetebini Ma Rasul Mateusu
565 1915 - Tatopansi na Surat refo na kabio windesi. Pandita windesi: J.A. vanBalen ... Ma sijoortawan si ja na
566 1915 - A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Second Epistle of ST. Paul to the Corinthians
567 1915 - Honderd Verhalen uit de Bijbelsche Geschiedenis in het Soembaneesch
568 1916 - Perbahanen rasoel-rasoel bagi nisoeratken si Loekas / isoesoerkenibas tjakap Batak-Karo, J. H. Neumann.
569 1916 - Wasijat jang baroe, ija itoe segala kitab perdjandjian baroe, atawa Indjil Toehan kita Jesoes Kristoes : Tersalin kapada bahasa MalojoeRendah.
570 1916 - An English - Malay Dictionary
571 1916 - A Critical and Exegetical Commentary of the Episles of St. James
572 1917 - Barita na denggan na tarsoerat di hata ni debata : (Pardjandjianna Honok) binaen di Hata Angkola.
573 1918 - the Megalithic Culture of Indonesia Ethnological series III
574 1918 - The Autobiography of Munshi Abdullah
575 1919 - Javaansche Spraakkunst
576 1919 - Kelly & Walsh's Handbook of the Malay Language for the Use of Tourists and Residensts Sixth Edition
577 1920 - Malay Self-Taught
578 1920 - A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians
579 1920 - A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Revelation of St. John Vol. I
580 1921 - Het Nieuwe Testament in het Niassisch vertaald, door H. Sundermann... Soera gamaboe'oela li si bohooe.
581 1924, 1959 - A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on The Pastoral Epistles (I & II Timothy and Titus)
582 1924 - A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistel to the Hebrew
583 1926 - Soerat Brasih Djandji Taheta ain Toehan Toentang Djoeroesalamat Itah Jesoes Kristoes
584 1927 - Kitab Kejadian 1, 2, 3 (ayat 1-18)
585 1927 - Wasiat Jang Lama, ija-itoe Segala Kitab Perdjandjian Lama
586 1931 - Kitab Injil ni Luka
587 1931 - Javanese Bible 1931
588 1931 - Kitab Injil Ni Luka
589 1936 - Het Oude Testament
590 1940 - Indjil Soetji Mitoerort Saka Panganggite Mattheoes Bab 1-5
591 1940 - Indjil Soetji Mitoerort Saka Panganggite Mattheoes Bab 5-15
592 1940 - Indjil Soetji Mitoerort Saka Panganggite Mattheoes Bab 15-21
593 1940 - Indjil Soetji Mitoerort Saka Panganggite Markus Bab 1-4
594 1940 - Indjil Soetji Mitoerort Saka Panganggite Markus Bab 4-8
595 1940 - Indjil Soetji Mitoerort Saka Panganggite Markus Bab 8-14
596 1940 - Indjil Soetji Mitoerort Saka Panganggite Markus Bab 14
597 1940 - Indjil Soetji Mitoerort Saka Panganggite Markus Bab 14-16
598 1940 - Indjil Soetji Mitoerort Saka Panganggite Loekas Bab 1-3
599 1940 - Indjil Soetji Mitoerort Saka Panganggite Loekas Bab 3-9
600 1940 - Indjil Soetji Mitoerort Saka Panganggite Loekas Bab 21-24