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Kat: [Kamus][Pengajaran][Alkitab].

Ma Bi Tjarita
1906 | Alkitab
British Malaya
1906 | Kamus
Pradjandjian Anjar
1911 | Alkitab
Malay Grammar
1913 | Kamus
No Tahun - Judul
521 1904 - A Practical Malay Grammar
522 1905 - Nenanga ma Djou Lahatala ai buk ma djarita
523 1905 - Vocabulary English-Malay (Medical) Gerrard
524 1906 - Dalan Hangoluan na pinatorang ni Pandita L. Hanstein.Hanstein, Pandita L.
525 1906 - Ma Bi Tjarita
526 1906 - Buken elkitab / tinumpan C.W.J. Steller.
527 1906 - British Malaya
528 1906 - A Grammart of the Maguindanao Tongue, According to the Manner of Speaking It
529 1906 - British Malaya an Account of the Origin and Progress of British Influence in Malaya
530 1907 - Se'imo Sura Laolita nTau Piamota pai To Isaraell
531 1907 - Kitab indjil soetji anoe dikarang koe Markoes.
532 1907 - Koekoea an Ta'ar Oere wo n Ta'ar Weroe; pinatitj i M. Adriani-Gunningwo si J. Regar
533 1907 - A Critical and Esegetical Commentary of the Gospel According to S. Matthew
534 1908 - An Abridged Malay - English Dictionary (Romanised)
535 1908 - Vocabulary of The English and Malay Languages with Notes Vol. I (tenth edition)
536 1908 - The Gospel According to ST. John Vol I
537 1909 - Kitaboe'lKoedoes : ija-itoe segala kitab Wasiat jang Lama dan Wasiatjang Beharoe / Tersalin kapada behasa Melajoe.
538 1909 - A Critical and Exegetical Commentary of the Episles of St Peter and St. Jude
539 1910 - Berita si Mehoeli bagi ni-soeratken si Matioes : isoesoerken ibastjakap Batak-Karo / J.A. Neumann.
540 1910 - Nieuw Maleisch - Nederlandsch Zakwoordenboek
541 1910 - Vocabulari of the English and Malay Languages with Note Vol II
542 1910 - Catalogue of Malay Manuscripts and Manuscripts Relating To The Malay, Language in The Bodleian Library
543 1910 - The History of Java. Vol I, Second Edition
544 1911 - Pradjandjian Anjar
545 1911 - Indjil Markus ka nganga sakalagan.
546 1911 - Soera ni'amoni'o. Soera daroma li lowalangi. Amaboe' oela li si Fofonaba Amaboe' oela li Bahooe.
547 1911 - A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on The Epistle of ST Paul to the Corinthians
548 1911 - Het Oude Testament in het Niassich Vertaald
549 1911 - Soera Ni'Amoni'O. Soera Daroma Li Lowalangi
550 1912 - Shellabear's Practical Malay Grammer Third edition
551 1912 - Malay - English Vocabulary An Appendix - Shellabear
552 1912 - A Harmony of the Gospels for Historical Study
553 1912 - A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistles St. Paul to the Thessalonians
554 1912 - A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Johannine Epistles
555 1913 - Ma Djooungu-Madutu awi Boku ma djarita. O Tabaruoka ma njawamanga padita J. Fortgens.
556 1913 - Kitab perjanjian Bharu
557 1913 - Malay Grammar
558 1914 - Vocabulary of the English And Malay Languages with Notes - Vol I (Eleventh Edition)
559 1914 - A Manual of the Malay Language
560 1914 - A Manual of The Malay Language